
Stand Perfect in Wisdom: An Exposition of Colossians & Philemon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Two enemies of the evangelical church today are intellectualism and legalism. The former exalts the mind to the exclusion of the heart, whereas the latter stresses outward conformity rather than inward transformation. Gnosticism elevates knowledge above faith, while ecclesiastical traditionalism suppresses grace with laws. In most situations, these errors are found separately; however, they were...

2 Tim. 1:2). Paul used the title “brother” to designate other believers: Quartus (Rom. 16:23), Sosthenes (1 Cor. 1:1), Apollos (1 Cor. 16:12), and an anonymous associate (2 Cor. 8:18; 12:18). B. Readers (1:2a) Although only one group is in mind, they are characterized in four ways. 1. They were saints The term “saints” is a synonym for Christian believers. It literally means “the set-apart ones” (tois hagiois). It is an adjective which is used with noun force and which comes from a verb that is normally
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